they cyclic, full of loopholes. >> nitin sethi your speaking to us from india. the business standard. leaked reported that secret lima draft decision was delayed, but now we have come to the end. it is called the lima accord. your assessment from india? thingsink one of the that happen out of lima, the developed countries promised to renege on all of their existing limits and working already even before the next edition russians for the 2015 agreement, into passing on obligations into a new era. the burden gets shifted on to larger developing economies. that is what we had a huge still make install the attempt to bring up the secret documents. a lot of developing countries [indiscernible] [no audio] 12/15/14 12/15/14 you, seem to have lost nitin sethi. i want to turn to a, negotiator for the pacific island who criticized the disappearance of loss and damage commitments from the cop 20 text. >> this is a crucial issue for the poorest and most vulnerable. our communities suffer from floods and route, storm surges, sea level rise. often these poor communities are l