give you the option of doing that, so for example google's chrome browser allows to you travel incog nitto it is hard to find that incog knit owe mechanism and what we would like to do is see that it is clear tore consumers so that again, they can opt out of third party tracking. because people ought to know, people ought to have a choice about where their information is going. you know, it's different between, if you go on a site like amazon, you have a first party relationship with that site. you don't mind if they collect your information and give you, tell you what books might be relevant based on what you purchased before. but when it comes to companies sort of surreptitiously collecting information about you and possibly selling it to other companies, you ought to be able to make a choice to be able to opt out from that. >> this information has value as mr. leibowicz implied. if i give it to you f i tell where you i am coming from or where i am going to, because my computer has a thumb print, shouldn't i get something for that, from your members. here ray suarez, here say coupon, her