and to the vocal parts, nixon jack ornar, in response to her complaint, only laughed and said that eventintin was dubbed. she realized that for the first time the press would be against her. this alarmed her and increased her insecurity. she clearly felt resentment and pain. she was a shining star. and suddenly it's a deep wound. my parents divorced, when i was only six years of pain, it stayed with me forever. my father abandoned us and made me insecure for the rest of my life. in this photo, my mother with her father is an amateur shot, probably made by her mother, but even here you can see how much she loves him. and one day he disappeared. mom very calmly explained that he had left and was unlikely to return. i've missed him since the day he disappeared. the child cannot understand everything. feeling of powerlessness and alienation incomprehensible you just know, dad left. this is my first big childhood wound. of those that left a deep trace in me. true, all her life she missed her father. and i know that it was very depressing for her. this was not corrected by her close relations