please nknow, our 200 members, e benefit san francisco in many ways, including educational programming to tens of thousands of schoolchildren. almost every public school in the city receives programming with us. the programs are with children who need it the most. they tend to be the more low income, disadvantage, and emotionally-scarred youth. we have ways to reach them and give them a chance to learn in a new way. we also employ thousands of residents and voters. and we bring in millions of visitors to the city to participate in the arts, and that is a wonderful tax revenue. for example, the san francisco opera ring cycle is now in 21 countries, 46 states. [bell rings] supervisor chu: thank you. >> good morning. my name is genet. i was born and raised in san francisco, and i am an arts administrator living in the city. i was exposed to the arts through the arts program. groups of musicians came to our school throughout the year and made me aware of the different kinds of music available in our city. the program also provided the opportunity to attend a private concert by the san fran