>>nku. good morning, everybody, welcome to mission bay. you know, in 2010, the board of supervisors and the mayor did everything that it could to create a dialogue with our voters. and asked them to pass a very important bond, the earthquake safety and emergency response bond of 2010. 412 million dollar bond and should they pass it we would honor it with the best thought and planning process that the city could proviet and of course all of the agencies came together, our law enforcement agencies and i am glad to see our police commission here, fire commissions here and of course our two chiefs are here working in concert with the capitol planning group, with public works, and its architectal divisions of city engineer and its construction managers working with the private sector of panco, and hok to put together this bond program and particularly, this public safety building to be the first gem as i say, of public safety buildings that have so much catch to it so many promises, and that we are we were not just willing to deliver, we are de