permit, he requested a building permit for a two-unit permit, and under the code, the section that nms. kenney is in, you are only allowed a one-unit permit. there is still remarkable evidence to show that there is a two-unit plan proceeding. there are two mail slots. there are two dresses, two -- two addresses, two satellite hookups. the building passed the setback requirements, and then she issued another complaint. despite receiving in order to cease and desist with construction, mr. patel continued, and this application for the zoning was after he violated the setback requirement. it is just a pattern of acting first and in complying with requirements later. the purpose of zoning requirements is to maintain the enjoyment of property, and although the setback has only been violated by 1.5 feet, it is a violation nonetheless. this has caused a huge eyesore in the backyard of ms. kenney, creating a large shadow over her yard. plants have started to die, and there is a concern about the property value in relation to this violation. and i would like to turn it over to ms. kenney so she