pook that garage.. and it wrapped around that ttee.. " "the saaeestorm caused 15 tornaaoes from nnrth carolina to peenslyvania. baatimore county is making it easier for you to stay on top of severe weather. county executive keein kamenetz says the coonty's ..."emergency notification register ann receive phone - pessages or emails about emergency situations. kamanetz made the announcement at porterrs... seneca marina. an areaathat sustained isabel in 2003. mmhurricane - "our goal is that early notification of emergency incidents is vital especially when we thinkkrumors are um spread o quickly so weather the disaster is a hurricane, flooo, or even just a water main break its essential we get that accurated information out to oor cittiens." citizens.""urricann seasoo city council president jack young introducee a ew budget plan for baltimore. young says his plaa will dollars more than the mayor's vacant positions..and would 50 - trim nearry five million from city agencies. " i've identified.... ....depend on." 3 on."young says his plan is not a criticism of mayor stephanie rawlings-blake's budget