&paccording to nnsa... tte rovv has comm across rocks...gest water wws once presentt &pon mars.scientists say it's likeey thh rocks came from a stream bed..hey'reehopinngto &pbetter understand the red to planet. mooe americans are making the move to biggccties.that's &paccording to new data from th more people aae moving ndd --3 downtown... within a 2-mile radius of city hall.chicago is population boom... with new - researchers believe the move . is due to people wanting to livee loserrto thhii jobs. tech geekk are gatherrnggin &pcalifornia thissweek... for a so-called "hack-a-thhn.. they're trying o create a website or other online tooos.... ttat help high schoollrssespecially low income sttdeets, get nto and organization will ward up to 30 grants of between 50 too100- thousand-dollars to the winners.the bill and melinda gaaes foundation is sponsoring the competition. "mysppcee... is making a comeback.tte once defunct planning to release new, sleek version.changes include music shhring ann upgraded optics.at its peak myspace had 100 milllo