wel w we're l loong at t e nntrolinteterfe for r e plant that is ruing at poche. chris nnnnemanwe''re inin the panocherarainagdistrict off of rusllll avee hehere lobabanos, at onef f the lot t trtmentt test sis s for eatiting subsurfacerarain terer. is paicular pject hous a oject f the unersity of calirnrnia, s ananges. and th'reestitingeveralal presesses volving revsese osmis. . ifou hadad sseriewherere an arar like this, in the ntntral lleyey, where u u haveotss o small mmmmunits ththatre sprprd out erer a lge a areand you could put amamall pnt l lik this, a pacgege pla--ththe'ss a potenti therforr co savvgs--it would potentlllly be gamame anger.r. cocohentherere an economeses ofcalele he. thehe momore stemems at yououave, the lower thcocost i youou c thinknk about a t thoseommumunies ass essentilyly bei a virtu water dtrtrict.ere e th are connectevivia inrnet and hereforeave thatenefit o being pt of a district, even thou g geogrhicacallthey''re not connecte snyder: i tnknk it undsds very promingng. an in n fa, i think if sll commutities are gna h havto g go to