tiger: no a.c.l.. my leg was broken. charlie: how did you do that? tiger: hell if i know.w how i pulled that off. charlie: you said to me today what you love about the game is winning, but more specifically beating somebody. that is what you love. tiger: that is fun. charlie: what is it about the military? what is it about the navy seals that had you so engaged, obsessed, admiring? charlie: my dad was in special forces. being around special forces operators on my life, i have seen that world. that world is difficult, yes but it is also comparable to me. i was raised in it. some of my best friends were operators. the guys who were operating became retired and we still play golf. that was a world that i had grown up in. was it a big jump from me to participate and see it in a different light? not really. being a military brat, that is what i was used to. charlie: one of your caddies said you were thinking about giving up golf to become a navy seal. tiger: i told my dad i want to either become a person the military or a golfer or businessman. i got a chance to become a golfer