ran a thoroughhcheck on , and there's a complete lack of harmful bacteria in their systems, no decalcification, no degeneration of tissue, no arteriosclerosis. in simple terms, jim... they're not growing old, and i can't begin to tell you how old they are-- 20 years or 20,000 years. i see. opinion. quite possible. it checks with my atmospheric analysis. their atmosphere completely negates any harmful effects from their sun. add to that a simple diet... perfectly controlled temperature... no natural enemies... [gong sounds] mr. spock. apparently, our hypothesis is correct. there is no living being there. it is a machine, nothing more. well, the field's down, people are going in. let's see what kind of luck we have. that's not the way. evidently not. this is no ordinary machine, captain. ary intelligence. but it needs to eat frequently, so it can't have any great power reserves. that may not be of any help. the "enterprise" has only 10 hours left in which to break free. yeah. what happens... if vaal weakens around feeding time? spock, check the electromagnetic section of the astrophysics lab. ge