such as gnomic line and noam chomsky.ople are having to guard me like i'm not allowed to participate. shut up, look at your hair, listen to your accent, be quiet. from the left as well. he say, this is what we think, can we talked about this in a different way? people are so protective and territorial, it is interesting and not difficult to see whether such political status and such mobility because people don't welcome new debate. not ordinary people. ordinary people like it and are engaged in excited, but i would say there's a kind of security establishment, picture your -- peculiar circle. >> explain what you did at occupy democracy and what it is, what it is here in britain. is ae occupy movement decentralized campaign movement, so it is the same in the u.k. as it is in america. there were a group of protesters occupying parliament square for coalition of groups interested in issues such as fracking, animal rights. primarily, the ability to have any political purchase through , to oconee and,as restrictive trade agree