north oakland, berkeley and emeryville. >> one business owner says the name nobe may be young and new and fresh but the old name is fine. residents would like this area to remain the golden gate district of north oakland. >> amelia has lived in the north oakland house for 30 years. >> this is a long-standing north oakland community being swallowed up by real estate agents. reporter: she does not like the idea that real estate agents and brokers are selling her neighborhood as nobe. north oakland, berkeley, and emeryville, she says it's a plan to sanitize the year and boast prices. >> we're being a pawn right now in this game of real estate prices and people wanting to think of oakland as only the bad news they see at shootings. >> five shootings in oakland on saturday that left one person dead does nothing for oakland's identity as a destination. real estate brokers say the name change just reflects the revitalization of this area of the city. new restaurants, easy access to transportation, and old homes are attracting new families. scott and laura moved from san francisco. >> reasona