the king noel noel noel noel born is the king of israel noel, noel ooh sweet noel noel noel noel born is the king of israel the king of israel yes he is, yes he is sing it, noel noel ohh, noel and i love him, i love him, i love him noel do you love him? born is the king my, my lord of israel my lord sing it again noel noel noel noel oh, you see born is the king of israel both: sing it again noel noel noel noel born is the king born is the king said born born is the king yes of israel he is the king yeah, he is ooh both: born is the king of israel [ applause ] before i begin my sermon, let me greet timothy, who has joined us in our service. [ applause ] and welcome. m. scott peck wrote a book called "a different drum." and in that book, he recalls a story of a rabbi and an abbot. it is called "the rabbi's gift." the story concerns a monastery that had fallen on hard times. once it was a great order, but as a result of waves of anti-monastic persecution in the 17th and 18th centuries and secularism in the 19th century, all its branch houses were lost, and it had become decimated to the extent that there were only five monks left in the order, in the deep woods surroundi