noelle jones us from los angeles. good to have you on the show. fringe groups on the left want everybody to get a $15 minimum wage and social benefits to go up. i think it's a little different than these folks loading up on weapons and bombs. >> do you have a point but i've got to tell you i think the lunatic fringe needs to be cut from both sides, i think extremists from both sides are a real turnoff. as far as division within the republican party we are fractured. i mean it's evident. we've got 17 candidates running for president. the democrats have three. >> right. >> this is evident. but what you need to look at, is why do we have so many? because we are to divided. we're fractured not just between used to be the tea party versus the establishment. we've got tea party we've got establishment we've got moderates we've got people for gun rights, people against planned parenthood. we've got so many issue oriented groups out there but let me tell you something they're funding candidates. they're organizing as we just saw special interest groups. t