the almost 2%.óvílfut the s&póvílfu@ nofu@noc rec 2 noc e itas at t 2laear.t for the year gold,óvílóvílvílfu@noc rec 2 gain this ernoc rec 2ors, set to begin with many concerns noyoc rkre'sc f2amed times squ thousand2lebrating the new year úvílyefuar.@noc and there'súvílfu littleúvílfuie amno whether 2012úvílfu@ 2ec or2 major@noc rec and>> i thinkt more of the same fu@reporter: and those rec ou2t of e the first half of the c 2>> you haveainty as fucompan@ies eanornc inregsc ad noc ílfu t@ yewed--.avílfu@ re i reens in the eurozone,mi@c grow2 area. yes,c 2 recovery momentum.s are 68.avílfut only u nomic llreioc ns2 of not the hous 012avíl global changing of thed@ re. the un@,noc rec 2 india,c 2 kor. gesavílfu@ rec e add ílfu@noc 2 no bbvefílorfue yoílfu@ c 2ex are at least a few reaso nopoc t in co remainbv noc anies orrowbvílfu rates and@ rec of money c@orporanotec rec2 >> companies that arec frec c2h bvitíl ifus actu@allymely 2lfu@noc rec person in the wo@t makenoc ire2 >> investor sentimen istill a bs c re low suggesting arious labvo ch betternoopc e.rec 2nne pratty arketbvíl.fu@no th