. >> good afternoon directors and chairman nolan correct this is an opportunity to join with the paving project it's an opportunity for us to realize a prop b funded project and also an opportunity for us to realize the vision zero project . this particular item is legislation for the bulb outs in coordination with the paving project and down the road there's an opportunity for -- there's been discussion about potential temporary sidewalk widenings and bike lanes and all that can happen at the tail end of the paving project and that's kind of the plan going forward. >> thank you i'm happy to make a motion to approve. >> second. all in favor say aye. >> next item. >> item 13. the board will be also asked the proposed traffic legislation requires no further environmental review. >> while we're bringing this up the backdrop is this is one of the muni forward projects that you approved under the transit project both environmental and project approvals and like the the last two items these are the actual parking and traffic changes. john kennedy. >> thank you good afternoon directors shaun k