directors call the roll director brinkman director borden director heinecke director lee director nolan director ramos director rubke mr. chairman directors you have a quorum quorum please be advised the tinging of pagers and other devices are prohibited at the meeting any person probable for one going on the one hand off if the room the ringing of a cell phone maybe asked to leave the room so the board requests that all devicess be turned off. >> a position to approve all in favor, say i. >> item 5 communications. >> members of the board and ladies and gentlemen he need to rearrange e ranger the agenda we're going to lose a commissioner so after the item 11 then we'll come back we know a lot of people want to talk about the we'll go through those other things first. >> police vehicle mr. chairman one other item of business no closed session at our meeting that's been cancelled so moving on to item 11 as directed item 11 amends the transportation division to article 11 regarding the vehicle standards for the taxis changing the medallion fees through june of 2016 a status report on related issues. >> a