nom amadan is ready to go to school. robe sales centers also have a customer who was eager to come and wear his school uniform as soon as possible on the other side, what is the aspect of joshi in the schools? tables , benches have been sorted, no, yes, yes, tables, benches , boards, boards, curtains, the class is being prepared , the class is decorated, and the work that is needed to brighten up the class, the registrations are about to be completed. how many students are registered? for each session, we had 29 7 people registered, we have 9 classes , 3 classes for each grade, 3 class classifications have been done , we have delivered books, parents and teachers are familiar with the children, and there is a quranic board of trustees in our school. we will have a koran with new teachers at the primary level, up to 75 new teachers in fact, it has been assigned to our region and on average, about 70 or 80 teachers will be added to us, god willing. the schools are also ready to welcome the children. everyone has arrived .