there was not going to be this illegal, unwise subsidy going to competitive services for market nom nance. the only way you can do that is to be assured that the costs upon which the postal service bases its prices and all of its other activities are accurate complete and transparent. the whole day of being able to go to the postal regulatory commission and finally got there when you asked for the costs of competitive services you find everything redacted should be long gone. i, as a user of market dominant services have an absolute right to be assured that when i pay a price for that particular service, that price is covering the cost of my service, not the cost of somebody else's. so we're looking for a way in which we can actually say that we've got an ability to measure the costs in a way so that we're sure that they're accurate, complete and transparent. now the postal service to its own benefit is beginning to move very quickly for the implementation of its intelligent mail system which gives us the tools that are necessary to actually make those kinds of measurements, and make them