. >> nom ninal dollar not include for inflation. >> that's the real number. >> that's amazing given our concern that we wouldn't be providing you with resources to try to turn this around and make sure this kind of thing doesn't happen again. >> the house mark for this year's upcoming fiscal year 15 cuts us by another $350 million in one fiscal year. >> yes. >> well, surely that will change in light of our deep and profound concern for what happened to lois lerner's hard drive. >> we have high hopes. >> well surely you've been called to these midnight sessions to try to see what help you need, right? >> you've been asked? . have you been skpeen subpoenae voluntarily requested before any committee of the house of representatives to testify what your needs are or what a $350 million cut on top of an $850 million cut what do to your agency. >> we have provided updated committee to the house and senate appropriators about the affect of a $350 million cut. >> for what purposes does gentleman seek recognition. >> i'd like entered into the record without objection if i may the reason magazine