. >> noma cook: nordic coconuts.ttle bouquet of flowers. >> alessandro: a danish coconut. cheers to that. >> anthony: and so the question, how does this nice, down to earth guy rise to the top of the food world, all while presenting things that no one could possibly think would taste that good? >> alessandro: let's have a bite of flowers. >> anthony: oh, man. >> alessandro: they're delicious. >> anthony: i'm not sure, but that's what i'm here to find out. >> rene: did you add the moss? >> anthony: we know that noma has been said to be the world's best. >> noma cook: this is a dish that takes twenty man-hours of work a day. >> anthony: and what we've heard outside of denmark is that rene sources his ingredients exclusively from the nordic region. mostly from within 60 miles of the restaurant. >> rene: get a better one than this. >> noma cook: we need a better vessel. quickly, come on. >> kitchen staff: yes chef! >> anthony: think about that. denmark is not exactly the mediterranean. summers are short. >> rene: service