according to a reeent study, 66-percent of those surveyed suffer from nomo- phobia.....the fear of beinged the most. (11:21:15) (jessica roberts) "we said all right pometime in the next week, find 24-hours that you can avoid using anyymedia of any of journalism, professors students really are on eliant technologg. so in one medda literacy class...students were put on a media fast. no phones, no &ptechnology.....for 24-hours... (11:44:40) (moeller) music, their car radios, their thh test, studentt dooumentedd how it felt to be phone- pmoeller) "ringing in my --33 pocket all day. i was really fidgety. i felt it ringing in my fingees. i didn't know what to do with my handd, i -& some stuuents discovered their dependency..... others discovered their (moeller) "they talked abouttheadaches, they talked &pabouttdepression. a lot of e talked about really feelingg lonely..." (11:22:15) "a lot f students said they hada a harddtime working out sound of my brrathing , the &pdistracted me...." as they learned about phemseeves..... they learned about a world they'd never known.... (11:44:22) "it was s