we compared children who are pfa when entering kindergarten compared to non pfa students and you can see these students earn $35,000 per year or less and again that's because we really try to reach out to the low income communities first including all the children in the district and in head start. this slide just gives you a little break down of where our preschool for all attend. 66% of the students are served in nonprofits and title v and are subsidized child care centers and schools. 26% are from our public agencies, the school district and city college. we have 5% pfa are in child care homes and 3% from private nonprofit. this slide shows about our kindergarten readiness. we did -- worked with applied research to do an external evaluation of incoming kindergartens and compared to them in the preschool for all to those that didn't come from pfa and those participated showed an increase in early literacy skills and early mathematics skills and more impressively in their self regulation skills so with this research and a battery of tests we are feeling and have evidence that childr