have the entire weight of the nation, the intellectual weight of the nation from black elites to nonblacks looking at poor blacks as the worst problem in this country. you know, as the cause of the violence, as the cause of their own poverty. and so for them, of course, they're going to think, yes, i am the worse, i am at the bottom, right, i should be getting my head stepped over by every other group in this country. and so, of course, it's certainly ininternallized even though those ideas are not true. there's nothing wrong with poor black people other than them thinking that there's something wrong with black people -- poor black people. if we were to look out as black people as human as us, i think it would make a world of difference. >> and within the communities where this has happening, certainly young black men are killing other young black men who look just like them, who live just like them. >> another way for us to understand this, if any of us were to go on today and pull up what are the top causes of death in this country, homicide is not even there. right, it's not even there