big brothers big sisters program and my little brother was diagnosed with acute large cell nonhodgkins lymphoma, and spent time every day watching young patients with no hair, with i.v.s in their arms or in their chest going into a port, walking around and taking care of each other much better than our health care industry takes care of patients in their time of need. and it's a slander on the names of the health care professionals who do everything they can to keep patients like your brother, like my little brother, alive when we don't give them the support that they need after they have invested their hard-earned dollars by paying premiums to a health care insurance company who turns their back on the patient in their hour of need. and that's why i'm a strong supporter of the public health insurance option. and i'm proud that my colleagues on this committee, chris murphy and peter welsh, have joined me in introducing the choices bill to give health insurance patients a public health insurance option with no discrimination so we don't have to go through these nightmares anymore. with that, i y