i'm here with erica jackson, the project planner, as well as noni terrell, the environmental planner and patrick who reviewed the applications for fcc requirements. to give background, to set the stage for this appeal, i would like to give background which applies to this appeal as well as the conditional use appeal as to how the bernal heights power became what it is today. in 1960, the owner of the property had applied to the planning commission and received the conditional use authorization to install two towers, specifically for antennas. both were to be exactly the same as the one constructed today. the owner only constructed one and a lot of time passed. we didn't see a lot of permit activity from 1960 until about two years ago. in 2008, t-mobile came to the department and requested a conditional use authorization to install some additional panel antennas. when we were reviewing that application, it came to the department's attention that from 1960 until 2008 there had been a lack of permitting going on in terms of the antennas that were on the tower. over time, the towers were