that the contracting officer was actually, you know, nonobjective in reviewing contracts that were being awarded. i could give you a very clear list, laundry list. so, from the mayor's perspective, can you tell me what specifically it is that city college has not done, has failed to do? >> so, the way in which we're viewing this and the reason why we're as involved in it is primarily around the operations component of it again. so, again, you know, the academic piece of it, we're thrilled that that's intact and that's not something we're going to have to contend with. but when there are holes and loops and ways in which -- supervisor campos, i think the [speaker not understood] report will be very clear. so, let's set aside the accc/jc report. if you look at the fit map report alone, you will see where the college is failing. so, when you have in place -- and the most current report will be coming out. i'm going to use a very general example of some of the challenges that the college is up against. so, when you have multiple employees, you know, in excess of over 50 that have access to p