lack a secular context, and their effect is a government endorsement of religion as preferred over nonreligion. the court went on to point out that it's quote: sack -- sack religious or nonreligious that the state should leave that function purely up to themselves. this decision was an inappropriate response to what was a longstanding practice to have governor of colorado recognizing the national day of prayer and acknowledging the right of an individual to pray and to worship. the decision was an unfortunate setback to religious liberty juris prudence in colorado, but the silver lining in all of this is that our current governor has decided to appeal this case, and just last week the colorado supreme court granted cert on this issue. unfortunately, this was not the only attack on religious liberty that colorado has been privy to. last year in colorado we were dealing with a ballot initiative that was sweeping in its disregard for religious liberty. the ballot initiative sought to amend the colorado constitution to say, quote: in assessing whether government has burdened freedom of religion, a