the national broadbent plan is said to be non self and to keep -- nonself edgeexecuting. >> i think there is some room on the jobs front. we are stressing this as infrastructure. it does not get as much attention as a bridge or even a new building. i think there will be openings around jobs. americans are concerned about unemployment. we would argue that a lot of what we discussed here today is specifically a jobs conversation. >> under website, you did a recent analysis or report comparing google and at&t, which i found interesting. can you tell our audience what it is and where they can find it on the website? >> you can go on the reason we did this, back on the net neutrality front, we were concerned it appeared -- that we understand where the jobs are. at&t employs about 300,000 americans. google employs about 15,000, yet google has a higher market value. the ability of google to impact public opinion around the world is enormous. the profit they create is incredible, compared to the number of people who work there. as popular as google is, paid search is what is pro