the nopd reverts back to what it knows.everts back to what's comfortable, what's convenient, and to what the existing culture has always been. >> almost immediately, you saw, discipline stopped, accountability stopped. by the time we came to katrina, this department was, i would say, in as bad a shape as we had been in 1994. and that storm stripped bare any pretense that there was any structure, any accountability, any of the... the skeleton that you would expect of an organization like a police department. it all vanished. "the courts are gone, the jails are gone. it's up to us. and we're going to, 'do what we have to do and move on'." >> narrator: according to officers who have pled guilty in the danziger bridge case, a cover-up of the killings began almost immediately. >> a lieutenant told the officers involved in the shooting to get their stories straight. there were secret meetings held. one man is accused of getting a gun from his house and filing it into the court record as being a gun that was used by civilians on t