we made norbert julian's family at dinner. they're all deeply religious. they say that god confronts people with small trials and big ones, such as past and future climate catastrophes. hurricane ivan pulled the ground out from under his feet. since then, his harvest has not been enough to live on norbert julian's main job, driving a bus. not meg is no, just the hobby, the could oceans generate power. the technology to harness ocean energy has existed for more than a century. it's known as ocean some energy conversion, whole tech. why has it yet to be embraced? when you look at the surface of the ocean, the water here can be quite more because of the teeth of the length of sun and tropical waters that can be around 26 degrees celsius. at a 1000 meters deep, the temperature reaches roughly 4 degrees celsius. and this difference in temperature is what the ocean thermal energy conversion utilizes. it's quite simple . you need a heat exchanger, the warm surface water heat of fluids that has a low boiling point. that fluid evaporates creating a theme, and that'