please join me in welcoming norbert michelle. norbert? >> thank you, john. joining me here today, i'm going to a short version in the interest of time. joining me from the far left -- my far left is my colleague david birden, a senior fellow in quick policy here at heritage. and next to him is paul mersky, the group executive vice president of congress congressional relations and strategy at the icba, end community bankers association. and then aaron klein, last but not least, a fellow in economic studies and a director on the center on regulation and markets at the brookings institution. thank you all for coming today. we are, of course, talking about the senate bill that is moving probably this week. so it looks like we have really good timing. it's brilliantly planned, of course, not luck. and i'm going to just do a quick overview of some of the highlights, some of the main components that are in the bill. a couple of the minor things that are in the bill and then we'll get our discussion going off of that. so, one of the main things that are -- that is i