any discussion of serious issues to take a moment for some humor, i'd like to read more about norbert weiner. >> please. >> this is weiner after he established as a well-known figure, as a genius. he's at m.i. tflt. he was fluent in a dozen languages. as a colleague put it, a foreigner wherever he was. he got lost easily at his frequent meanders through the lab where is he worked for 45 years. some labs posted lookouts to warn of his approach because weiner was known to cut into ongoing conversations abruptly and out of context. while reading a book or lost in thought, he would walk the halls with one finger tracing the wall. when he reached the open toor of a classroom or laboratory, he was known to follow his finger inside and around its walls back to the hallway. when he stopped to have a conversation, he sometimes forgot which way he had been walking. once he asked whether he had been walking toward the lunchroom or away from it so he would know if he had lunch or not. >> my favorite is he swam on his back so he could smoke a cigar while he was swimming. >> my father did the same thing.