hop norble, alike in give and what we aal[preserve. we shall/3tez noblydusave or meanly lose thez!arth earth. thev way is o peaceful generous, just, a way which, if followed, the world will forevery9t[ bless. >> its effect will be great and7 t÷ opg increasing. it an important principleç?6]as9f/ an october. instead of a national pridep%hlñr interest. it recognizes the content and places tvqon the side of justice and civilization and the rebels on the side of robbery and barberism. >> upon this act, believed to be an act of justice, warranted by the constitution upon military necessity, i invoke to consider a judgment of mankind and gracious favor of almighty god in witness whereof i've set my hand to this final emancipation proclamation, abraham lincoln, january 1st 1863. >> this is scarcely a day for prose. it is a day for poetry and song. a new song. perhaps it is not a proclamation of liberty throughout the land unto habitants thereof as we hoped it would be, but was one marked by reservations and discremedis discriminations, but it is a vast and glorious step in the right direct