we have something called the norden bomb site that you don't have you have a cruise of three. we have crews of nine ten. we fly in formation. they're absolutely a fortress and that really say don't. don't tell us that we've been losing. 10 to 15% of our cruise is a bomb because what the germans do is you leave, england. they pick you up on radar and they have 20 to 30 bases here and here and they just pass you off from 109 squadron to 109 and it's good as plain as a spitfire and the new farqua 190 is better and they're excellent pilots and they'll shoot you down like you will not believe and we're doing this at night. and we're doing it in singular formation. we don't come announce where we're going if you think you're going to stack up 100 200 bombers. and it's going to be in broad daylight and then you're going to be up at 20,000 feet and drop individual bombs. it's a prescription for suicide and it is and we don't know anything what we're doing in 42 and 43. it's a testament to the people like the 8th air force. they don't give up. but in typical american ingenuity and know