were killed, when our children were taken hostage, let me remind you of the tragedies of beslan and nordostire civilized world , don’t you dare storm, what are you doing, because the hostages may die, don’t you dare do that, they can be peaceful there, remember when the storming of grozny, and we stopped, humanitarian corridors, remember that we they shouted what you are doing, you don’t dare do this, remember the stormtrooper, you don’t dare, what to do, these photographs have arrived now, this is the gas sector, yes, and they are photographing it. not palestinians, it's israel taking pictures, why such double standards? kadyrov’s team , which has been fighting terrorists for so many years , defeated them in the north caucasus, never allowed itself to treat its enemies even close to this, never allowed itself to humiliate their human dignity like this, to treat them like this. never with the population, that's what they are showing us now, what is this? they want what kind of reaction in the world, this is what kind of reaction in the world, it is no coincidence that now in america there a