see every time to convey the quote above because did norheim had invention talk down seeming to come back or did it because they want to show off to society that the we are demanding our daughter by our own only i used to think that a good education genes a mind of mind set of people voted to win my pan did this to me and now i i don't feel the same i was beaten by them really brutally my father he just ordered my had only just hit me into the wall and then he just was hitting me really bad he just found it gave so much punches into my stomach and when my father he was asking me to marry some of those guy at the gun point it was like today i'm going to buy a gun and if you're not mad you bet i'm asking you out then i'll shoot you should blow it off you know it's obviously if i would have married to someone as i would have loved him for the life i would have sixty five my life inside. you. know you've got the material. to lead out. good. yes i think they were this was a. really good laugh to me that i like. somebody. i should introduce them to be different because in most of the parks