mayor ed lee tells us there are talks about whether to cancel this event altogether like nork city did. and you'll notice a difference in our national parks. many, including muir woods will have to trim hours or close during their busiest season. the cuts are particularly hard for people who are already struggling in this economy. federal unemployment checks will be cut nearly 18% starting on sunday. that is a dra conin cut. >> some job seekers telling us employers aren't considering them because they've been out of work too long, now this,. notices went out this month to 400 thousand californians their unemployment benefits will be cut nearly 18% beginning april 18th. some didn't believe it. >> it's just send sent a letter saying it's going to be cuts. and if you're in that pool you're going get cut i'm not thinking anything is going happen. >> but reality is here. washington failed to come up with a plan so the spending cuts called sequestration are now going to hit jobless benefits. the reduction does not affect those on the first 26 weeks of checks. long term unemployed, on the 27t