to by his political title of attorney general humphrey coleman was always referred to as mayor norm coleman and even though coleman had no more mayor than i did i was always former pro wrestler jesse ventura so i was the only candidate that had his private sector job put in front of his name where the public and i have been a mayor so should knight shouldn't be former mayor jesse ventura be. because we're talking politics here but that's the bias that i faced but in hindsight that was probably good but if they did name the other two his private sector jobs i don't want to know why i am slide because then it would have been four more years spear pomfrey and former lawyer norm coleman or some of the substance of those debates was really surprised people and all the things that happened in the debates had never happened i mean they would ask skip humphrey question and skip to this family . monitor you saw he starts talking immediately and you can see him trying to formulate an actual answer as he's talking so he uses up his entire two minutes they give the same question to norm coleman he star