norma miller i guess you agree that germany should do more because you wrote in your book on female diplomacy and you also referred in your opening statement to damage control but what exactly would that mean in this case what very concretely could and should germany and europe be doing i think this whole talk about the deal of the century and the ultimate deal that we've we've been hearing from washington now in regard to iran oh no no no no i'm sorry what do you mean they're don't turn talks a lot about a lot of them you know i was referring back to our previous talk with the the israeli palestinian conflict i just wanted to add that i don't believe in the idea of you know this is the big deal the ultimate deal that that trump has been promising i think where europe can come in is you know. taking us back to two realities on the ground and making small steps more you know opting for more of an incremental approach. i sometimes use the image of a marathon at this point in time because peace doesn't seem to be around the corner i think we have to opt more for shorter runs than for the for you