we met a great grandmother by the name of norma peterson fluke in 2005 going through a similar situation, take a look. >> the family has lived here 65 years. the business has been here 56 years, and now the town is come and deemed us unfit to be in this town and wants to put us somewhere else. but we're centrally located for our business. without this property, we would go out of business. >> because of media attention, she got to keep her home and then there was the heart breaking story of a world war ii vet johnny stevens back in 2005, doctors told him he had lung cancer and he was give two years to live. while he wanted to spend his last days peacefully at home, the government wanted to seize his property. why? they wanted to build luxury condos for tax revenue. take a look at this. >> i don't have too much time left. i had intended to live out the rest of my life in that little house i got, tend my garden and be able to live in peace. as it stands right now, i don't know where i'm going or what i'm going to do. >> now thanks to some public pressure, mr. stevens got his dying wish. he