honored, particularly in the market turmoil, to bring you andrew williams and the former chancellor norman lamonthe united kingdom. let's go to the chart. this shows the superiority of the colonies. for years, the redline showing dollar strength. bottom is the lamont decision where he single-handedly drove it higher, churn,n, a wonderful and here we are back down again at a critical level for sterling. how does the bank of england -- how do they adapt and adjust to where the united kingdom i? >> i didn't think the bank of england are going to be alarmed that what is happening to sterling. many manufacturers have thought it was overvalued, and that is probably why manufacturing has not been doing so well recently. inflation is nonexistent in the u.k. at the moment. this anxiety about whether you will get back to the 2% target, as there is with many banks. i think they will be relaxed. tom: how have they reacted to real estate prices? the plutocracy of london, all the people at goldman sachs buying zillion dollar properties, driving up real --ate crisis >> i think she would have been slightly confl