so he's lying on his couch when all of a sudden he starts to think of norman mailer.n particular one of norman mailer's books called "the executioner's song," which stars this serial killer named gary gillmore. he can't stop thinking about gary gillmore and in particular the last words that gary gillmore ever said. that right before the firing squad shot him dead, they asked him, "gary, any last words?" and he says, "let's do it." and dan wieden thinks to himself, "that is so brave. that is so courageous." but he realized it's just not quite right. so he changes one word, and it becomes "just do it." that is where the iconic nike campaign comes from. even though we are always trying to make creativity into a rational process, it never is. creativity is really about serendipity. ♪ the reason i think that this category of books might be so popular is because there is a lot of interest in how this works, in how the mind works. i think it's very important to be clear that just because we are beginning to understand how moments of insight work or what's the best way to wor