duty air force service member is not having the same impact that for example, the quaker and norman morrison, who burned himself alive in front of the pentagon, had in protest of the vietnam war, robert mcnamara then the defense secretary, actually witness, right? morrissey's self immolation. and it shook him to his core. no one in official washington that i can think of is shaken up by bush nose protest. the slaughter continues to weapons deliveries continue, but it has galvanized the protest movement here in washington. there is a vigil in one hour at the is really embassy. there is a global awareness now of the anger, not only within american civil society, but within the american military. at the us, the direct roll of the u. s. is playing in this genocide in gaza. and for those who are tempted to dismiss bush now as simply some crazy guy protesting some other countries war that he's witnessed through social media. they should consider documents exposed by the intercept earlier this month, which showed that air for service members have actually been called up and deployed to israel to he