when you look at, for example, a norman rockwell picture, a painting, you can understand the story just, one shot. and that's what the whole museum is about. we dedicated this work to building this building. it will be the first of its kind. it's in los angeles. it is--it is seeded with the collection that george started collecting for a very long time. it also has a component of it that is dedicated to star wars, but the bigger issue is to create an environment, a place where anyone can walk in from any walk of life, from a scholar to a 6-year-old, and feel not only like they belong there, but also that they understand what's on the walls. now, you are in effect self-funding this, putting up most of the money for this, so it-- mellody: all. not most, all. david: allight, so that's more than a billion dollars, let's say. mellody: lot more. david: i don't know of anybody that's ever put up that much money for a museum. you ever think about the cost, or you're just not worried about that so much? mellody: what we have said, and we really do believe this, is that we are holding society's m