this is the beautiful and damned, and is inscribed this to norris dean jackson was a boyhood friend of his in st. paul and say basically that the main protagonist in your is modeled on norris dean jackson and so that kind of information visually important to us. the historical society, again, i think we have this image of being a very formal institution, but the library loves collecting pulp fiction. the paperback editions. this is a comic book that was published in st. paul, a catholic comic book common and interesting about this is this as the first printed cartoon ever of charles schultz in the back of it. just keep laughing, by sparky. this is his home. he grew up on the corner of snelling and shelby. his dad was a barber. he went to school central high school. he stayed here pretty, you know, well into his formative career, and then moved out to california. i don't remember, i think that was a decision of his wife's, but he's just a very, very st. paul. i think the thing that i love about this collection is that you could come in and find out any aspect of the minnesota, whether i