the future members of the norte valle cartel. s is the moment when it rises up, 1995. they are the premiere cartel operating. >> and during the '90s and into the early 2000s, our intel analysts estimated that 60 to 70% of the cocaine entering the united states from colombia was sent by the cartel. >> these individuals, they're the ones at the end of the day who are responsible for fuelling this crack epidemic, for fuelling people in the united states abusing drugs. they are at the pinnacle of ordering murders, organized crime, millions of people abusing narcotics. these are the top individuals responsible for all of this. they have to be taken down. >> it never dawned on us that the search warrants at teleaustin would lead to one of colombia's most violent car tells. once we identified it, we wanted to figure out who was behind the cartel and bring them to justice. now our focus was not just on taking down individuals. we knew shutting down one money remittor, two more would open the next day. so we focussed on the organization it