2016 continues on tuesday, with primaries taking place in missouri, illinois, and swings rates ohio, nortel and, and florida. live coverage, candidate speeches, and fewer reaction will begin at 7:00 p.m. eastern time, taking you on the road to the white house. >> next on the presidency, benjamin griffin talks about the influence that tom clancy and other reagan had on each in the 1980's as the soviet union and the cold war moved to the forefront. the new york symposium on foreign affairs held this event. >> now, let me introduce than griffin, who graduated from the united states's military academy in 2000 -- in 2006. he served as a squadron 2007 2008, andom as an assistant for grade iraq inence officer in 2011. he is assigned to the academy of history, and his awards and decorations include the bronze star, the oakley cluster -- oakleaf cluster, and the unit accommodation. currently working on a dissertation at the university of texas at austin that explores the role of tom clancy not -- novels on the security policy from a reagan. he holds a bachelor of science in united states history, a