of those 54,000 north dakotans, 43% are children, 28% are seniors, and about 4% are veterans. families can find themselves needing this assistance for a number of reasons. first, their hours were reduced at work. they may have been laid off or their places of employment may have gone out of business. an individual may not able to work due to a disability or serious illness. additionally, nearly 9% of seniors live below the poverty level. snap helps those seniors with those needs, many of whom live on fixed intersection. not one of us can predict when an unexpected life event will happen to us, and thankfully snap is available to provide at-risk families with the safety net they need. very few people, other than those with disabilities, the eltderly, or others who cannot work stay on snap for more than three months in a 36 month period. half of those new to the snap program will leave it within nine months once they become financially stable. yesterday i stood here to talk about the critical bipartisan work of the chairman an ranking member on the senate ag committee and what t